Navajo Developmental Disabilities Program
The purpose of the Navajo Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP) is to develop a comprehensive case management system to ensure medically necessary services are delivered timely to the Medicaid-eligible DD members.

Navajo DDP Video Introduction
About the Navajo Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP)
To empower individuals with developmental disabilities to lead self-directed, healthy and meaningful lives.
All individuals with developmental disabilities who qualify receive timely services and achieve their potential.
Overview of the Developments Disabilities Program
The Navajo Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP) is a comprehensive case management system to ensure medically necessary services are delivered timely to the Medicaid-eligible DD members.
In collaboration with the Arizona Department for Economic Security-Division of Developmental Disabilities, DDP provides supports and services to eligible Arizona residents, within the Navajo Nation, who are diagnosed with one of the following developmental disabilities prior to the age of 18:
- Autism
- Cerebral palsy
- Cognitive/Intellectual Disability
- Down Syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Are under the age of six and at risk of having a Developmental Disability
Case Management Services utilizes a person-centered approach to maximize member and family self-determination, while promoting the values of dignity, independence, individuality, privacy and choice.
Who is Eligible for Services
Any Arizona resident who has a chronic disability, which is attributed to Cognitive/Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, Down Syndrome that manifested before the age of 18 may be eligible for services.
The disability must also cause significant limitations in daily life skills related to:
- Self care
- Receptive and expressive language
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self-direction
- Capacity for independent living
- Economic self-sufficiency
Children under the age of six years may be eligible if there is a strongly demonstrated potential that the child is, or will be at-risk for developing one of these qualifying disabilities.
If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact DDD:
Program Funding
In 1996, through an Inter-governmental Agreement (IGA) between the Navajo Nation and Arizona Department of Economic Security (AZ DES) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) established funding to bring DDD services to the Navajo Nation.
The DDP is 100% externally funded, on a cost-reimbursement basis, utilizing a per month, per member case management rate.
This funds seven (7) employees at the following locations: Chinle, Window Rock, and Tuba City.
The IGA outlines that DDP will be fully supported with offices in State Buildings, equipment (laptops, cell phones, docking stations) and operational/travel costs. DDP is also provided access to comprehensive DDD/State/National job related training, Management/Leadership Training in Ken Blanchard systems/LEAN and Servant Leadership foundations. Through this IGA with the State of Arizona, DDP is provided all necessary tools to effectively and efficiently serve its members.

Arizona Long Term Care Services (ALTCS)
ALTCS provides long term case management services for Arizona Medicaid recipients who are elderly and physically disabled.