Navajo Financial Assistance Unit
The Navajo Nation Division of Children and Family Services’ Financial Assistance Unit (FAU) is dedicated to fostering the well-being and prosperity of our community and provides financial assistance to eligible individuals and households.

Navajo FAU Video Introduction

General Assistance (GA)
The General Assistance program covers basic needs, for those who meet eligibility requirements.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program helps eligible, low income households pay their primary source of heating or cooling costs or weatherizing their home to make it more energy efficient.

Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
The Community Services Block Grant helps eligible, low income households pay for basic everyday needs such as food, rent, utilities, job training, and medical expenses.
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program helps eligible, low income households pay their water/wastewater bill that may be past due or are facing disconnection.

Navajo School Clothing & Supplies (NSCS)
The Navajo School Clothing and School Supplies program is a Navajo Nation General Funds program for eligible school aged (3-18 years old) Navajo children to purchase clothing and supplies, of their choice, to promote school attendance, encourage academic performance, and to support self-confidence.
Burial Assistance (BA)
The Burial Assistance program is available to indigent decedents who meet eligibility criteria according to the payment standards established by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Informational Flyer
PDF informational flyer on the LIHEAP, LIHWAP and CSBG programs.
LIHWAP Application
Download and complete the LIHWAP application, then return it to the FAU.
School Clothing & Supplies
Download and complete the School clothing and supplies application, then return it to the FAU.